Improve income of 6000 dry land farmers through better agricultural technologies, processing, value addition and improved access to nutritious food

Our Objectives

  1. To enhance farm based livelihood income through induction of improved agricultural technologies and value addition.
  2. To enhance market gains to the famers by establishing social business enterprises for processing, value addition and marketing.
  3. To improve the nutritional status of rural households through increased nutritional awareness and access to affordable nutritious food.


There is a considerable scope for improving the current agricultural practices in Anantapuramu District with specific reference to main crops like groundnut, millets, and legumes. Farmers are willing to adopt new cultivation practices and cropping technologies. Further merely enhancing yield might not address the issues related to incomes, unless the farmers get a better price. Farmers can increase incomes only by engaging in the value chain of the crop through processing and marketing. This project provides better crop practices, establish primary and secondary processing unit in the villages which will be handled by the farmers organizations. Project also aims to link their produce to the retail and last mile markets which can capture a better price for the processed products and ultimately benefit the farmers.

Time Period:

2018 – 2023


Inauguration of Project at Accion Fraterna Ecology Centre – Anantapur

Inauguration of Primary Processing Centre at Maruru ( Rapthadu Mandal

Main Interventions and Activities to achieve the above results:



Promote high yielding crop varieties of millets, pulses and oilseeds

5 crop varieties promoted with 300 farmers

Awareness programs on Nutrition

1000 farmers

Establish primary processing centers and collection centers


Secondary processing centre


Our Project Areas

  1. Rapthadu
  2. Kuderu
  3. Dharmavaram
  4. Atmakur

Project Donor


Project Implementation Agency