Address low productivity and high risk of farming in the drought-prone districts of southern Andhra Pradesh

QUOTE: Statement of how the organization Smart and Sustainable Agriculture has influenced his/her life
Our Objectives
- To strengthen the adaptive capacity and productivity of agriculture in the rain fed areas of five districts in southern Andhra Pradesh.
- To support a governance framework for water exploitation and irrigation development.
The Goal will be to improve the incomes 6000 farm house-holds and strengthen their resilience to drought.
The development objective:
Strengthen the adaptive capacity and productivity of rainfed agriculture covering 6000 rainfed farmers spread in 9 mandals.
Project Description
Component 1: Climate resilient production systems aim to increase the resilience of crop and livestock production systems to drought, and provide farmers with information to provide adequate supplementary irrigation (locally called protective irrigation), improve soil fertility, irrigation efficiency, diversify cropping systems, and improve livestock productivity. The component’s objective will be achieved through the following sub-components:
Sub-component 1.1: Improved crop production systems through support to farmer information centres, farmer field schools, and promotion of integrated soil fertility management and protective irrigation.
Sub-component 1.2: Improved livestock production systems through support to community livestock facilitators providing fee-based services to sheep producers (improved housing, feeding and breeding) and a backyard poultry scheme targeted at the poorest women.
Component 1.3: Strengthened farmer organisations whereby the project will take a flexible approach and work with existing organisations where possible and form new organisations where needed to support farmers through input supply, seed multiplication, production services, machinery hire centres and marketing support.
Component 2: Drought proofing through NRM and water governance aims to mitigate drought and make agriculture more productive through the management of, and investment in, common property resources. The component’s objective will be achieved through the following sub-components:
Sub-component 2.1: Water governance will support water planning, and supply and demand management via water sub-committees at the Gram Panchayat level, with these forming Hydrological Unit Network (HUN) at the drainage basin level. Training and workshops will build local capacity and support development of surface water and groundwater planning and monitoring.
Sub-component 2.2: Water monitoring and conservation will invest in local hydrological and meteorological monitoring to support local decision making and planning of water resources, and in ensuring that GP water sub-committees and HUNs establish adequate working relationships with relevant administrations involved in water supply and demand monitoring. A pilot hydrological mapping of aquifers is proposed to complement available knowledge of and information on groundwater. Soil and water conservation activities will support the recharge of soil moisture and groundwater, and geographically targeted water harvesting activities will complement local water supply management.
Sub-component 2.3: Regeneration of common property rangeland will support vegetative methods for water conservation and strengthen community management of grazing, rainwater harvesting and other environmental services on 130 ha per village cluster totalling 42 900 Ha.
Component 3: Management and Lesson Learning. A State Project Management Unit (SPMU) would be established, with District PMUs located in each of the five districts. Lesson learning will cover water resource planning and management, drought-resilient agriculture and climate change adaptation, and development of policies for the crop and livestock sectors, especially for small ruminants.
AF, along with Lead Technical Agency and other NGOs, provided valuable inputs during the project design phase. Keeping in view the experience and expertise of the organisation in promoting drought mitigation measures, AF has been allocated 12 mandals namely Atmakur, Kudair, Kalyanadurgam, Kundurpi, Kambadur, Amarapuram, Rapthadu, Kanaganaplli, Ramagiri, Brahmasamudram, Beluguppa and Gummaghatta in Anantapur district as Lead Facilitating Agency. AF consortium includes its sister concern Sahajeevan Trust which facilitates the project implementation in Rapthadu, Kanaganapalli, Ramagiri, Brahmasamudram, Beluguppa and Gummaghatta mandals. It enables AF to expand its operational area and also spread the proven drought mitigation technologies and solutions to new locations in the district.
Type of CBO
The project is implemented by existing or new Farmer Producer Organisations (FPO) existing in the project area. AF has been selected as the Lead Facilitating Agency (LFA) to guide the project implementation in 12 mandals of Anantapur district. AF and Sahajeevan Trust, its sister concern facilitate the project implementation as Facilitating Agencies (FAs).
AF organised over 6000 Farmer, Farm labourer and Sheppard families into 12 Cooperative Societies, which were registered under APMACS Act,1995 and allowed them to raise a paid up share capital of Rs. 61 lakhs. The MACS provide services ranging from input supply, production enhancement to value addition and marketing. The MACS ensure that the members avail timely inputs like fertiliser, bio-pesticides, feed, fodder, equipment for timely sowing & protecting crops to support to support their farm and off-farm livelihood activities.
Our Project Areas

AF 1
- Kuderu
- Atmakur
- Kalyandurg
AF 2
- Kundurpi
- Kambadur
- Amarapuram
- Rapthadu
- Kanaganapalli
- Ramagiri
- Brahmasamudram
- Beluguppa
- Gummagatta
Activities and achievements during 2017-18
Associate Organisations / Donors